Chronic diseases

Information for community members on chronic diseases

Man with chronic disease testing blood sugar levels at home


Chronic diseases are long-lasting (usually present for six months or more) health conditions that can worsen over time, lower your quality of life and affect your independence.

Common chronic diseases include arthritis, asthma, back pain, cancer, cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes and mental health conditions.

Good management of chronic diseases can help improve your overall health and wellbeing, and it may slow down or stop your disease getting worse.

If you have a chronic disease, you will likely benefit from having a team of health professionals involved in your care, led by your doctor.

Programs we fund

Chronic diseases are very common. We know that in the Murray PHN region that many people live with diabetes, heart conditions such as chronic heart failure and COPD.

Murray PHN gives Commonwealth Government funding to services that employ members of your healthcare team, including:

  • Diabetes educators to help people understand and manage their diabetes
  • Podiatrists to help with foot problems that can be caused by diabetes
  • Dietitians for advice on healthy eating and reaching healthy weight goals
  • Physiotherapists to lead healthy heart and lung programs
  • Chronic disease nurses to help coordinate your care

Other chronic disease supports

Last Update: May 2nd, 2024