Integrated Team Care (ITC) combines the past programs of Care Coordination and Supplementary Services (CCSS) and Improving Indigenous Access to Mainstream Primary Care (IIAMPC). ITC builds on the success of these activities and uses a team-based approach for the provision of coordinated multidisciplinary care.

ITC aims to improve health outcomes for First Nations Peoples with chronic health conditions and to contribute to closing the gap in life expectancy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Murray PHN has commissioned several providers across the region to assist First Nations Peoples to access primary care services and to provide care coordination to eligible people. ITC providers also play a key role in improving access to culturally appropriate mainstream primary care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Referral forms can be accessed by health professionals in our region on Murray HealthPathways. If you’re not registered, click here to sign up.

Request for Supplementary Services Support

Murray PHN commissioned ITC care coordinators can use supplementary services to purchase services for clients enrolled in the program by completing this form.

Note this form is currently only available to Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health Services as a pilot.

Last Update: October 7th, 2024