HealthPathways is an online clinical management and referral resource designed for health professionals to use during consultations with their patients. It aims to guide best-practice assessment and management of common medical conditions, including when and where to refer patients, with guidance on what information is needed to maximise the quality of referrals and reduce waiting time for patients. Having locally relevant and reliable information, including resources, together and accessible in one place saves health professionals’ time.

Who can access HealthPathways

Doctors, medical students and specialists, nurses and allied health practitioners, along with other health professionals who are working in the Murray PHN region, can receive access to this resource to use within their scope of practice. It is available at no-cost. To hear local professional perspectives on what it is and the benefits of using it, watch the video below or to access or login now click on the buttons.

Who develops HealthPathways

Local GPs are employed to work alongside specialists to ensure that pathways remain locally relevant and evidence-based. Our team of clinical editors that contribute to pathway development are:

Dr Ann-Marie McKinnon

Senior Clinical Editor

Dr Amy Greene

Clinical Editor

Dr Jaskarandip Singh

Clinical Editor

Dr Jayant Banerji

Clinical Editor

For more information

Tools and resources

Contact us

If you would like more information or assistance, or to arrange a demonstration, contact the team at: or phone 03 4408 5600.

“I am a fan of whatever saves me, as a practitioner, time. My favourite feature of pathways is the patient resources, which can be printed from a single source, rather than visiting individual websites.”

– Dr Ann-Marie McKinnon

Last Update: August 8th, 2024