Doctors in Secondary Schools provides school-based health services for 100 Victorian secondary schools considered most in need: including 21 schools in the Murray PHN region.

Doctors in secondary schools map
Doctors in secondary schools map

Program aims

Doctors in Secondary Schools aims to provide equitable, accessible and professional primary healthcare services to young Victorians in secondary schools. The program complements existing student wellbeing programs aimed at improving health literacy and encouraging preventive health. It is funded by the Victorian Department of Education and Training and implemented by Victoria’s six Primary Health Networks, with North Western Melbourne PHN as lead.

Its objectives are to:

  • make primary health care more accessible to students
  • provide assistance to young people to identify and address any health problems early
  • reduce the pressure on working parents and community-based GPs.

The Victorian Government has confirmed that the Doctors in Secondary Schools program will continue in an ongoing capacity, including $43.4 million worth of funding through to 2024. To learn more about the program, watch this video.

Or for more information visit the Victorian Government’s webpage.

Last Update: May 21st, 2024