The standard and transmission-based precautions criteria and evidence forms part of the Healthcare Infection Prevention Control Audit Tool (HIPCAT).
- Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare – Standard and Transmission-Based Precautions
- RACGP|APNA Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines – Transmission of Infection in Healthcare
- Vic Health Infection Control – Standard and Transmission-Based Precautions
- Vic Health COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines – Specific Healthcare Settings
- ACSQHC Standard and Transmission-Based Precautions Signage
- Tasmanian IPAC Unit Video Series
- ACSQHC Overview of Use of Standard and Transmission-Based Precautions Chart/Label
- ACSQHC Infection Prevention and Control Patient Placement Guide
- CEC Infection Prevention and Control Considerations for Patient Placement
ACSQHC Infection Prevention and Control eLearning Modules:
- Principles of infection prevention and control – Provides an understanding of the basic principles of infection prevention and control. Content includes healthcare-associated infections, colonisation and infection, standard precautions, transmission-based precautions, use and management of invasive devices and antimicrobial stewardship.
Tasmanian Government Department of Health eLearning Infection Prevention and Control Series:
- Chain of infection
- Standard Precautions
- Transmission-Based Precautions
- Hand Hygiene
- Waste and Linen Management
- Environmental Cleaning
- Aseptic Technique
- Single-Use Items, Disinfection and Sterilisation
- Respiratory Hygiene and Cough Etiquette
- Healthcare Associated Infections
VICNISS Infection Prevention and Control eLearning Modules:
- Chain of infection
- Hand hygiene
- Personal protective equipment
- Cleaning
- Waste disposal
- Working in an outbreak
Personal Protective Equipment Demonstration Videos:
- Standard Precautions
- Contact Precautions
- Droplet Precautions
- Airborne Precautions
- Contact and Droplet Precautions
- Airborne and Contact Precautions
Other resources:
- TGA Guidance on PPE for Health Professionals
- DHAC Donning and Doffing PPE in Primary Care
- CEC PPE Guidance, Training and Resources YouTube Videos
- Vic Government Donning and Doffing PPE
- Clinipath Pathology Donning and Doffing PPE – Respiratory Specimen Collection
- Vic Health Donning and Doffing Poster
- Vic Government Face Masks
- WA Health Donning and Doffing PPE Competency Checklist
- DHHS Respiratory Protection Program
- Victorian Respiratory Protection Program Resources
- CEC Respiratory Protection Program
- Murray PHN Performing Spirometry in Primary Care
- COVID-19 Resources for Health Professionals
- Infection Control Monitoring for Non-Acute Settings Assessment Tools