As an unlisted public company limited by guarantee and a registered health promotion charity, Murray PHN is governed by its Constitution which sets out the responsibilities of the Board and its directors. It outlines specific rules and provides authority to govern the organisation, in order to achieve our vision and deliver on our charitable purpose and the organisation’s Strategic plan.
Find out more about our Board members and subcommittees below:
Board members
Leonie Burrows OAM
Leonie Burrows OAM is a Mildura-based management consultant. She has 25 years’ experience in local government, including a number of years as CEO of Mildura Rural City Council.
Dr Alison Green
Deputy Chair
Dr Alison Green has been a GP associate with Central Medical Group Wodonga since 1991. She is a GP Obstetrician and has provided maternity services to Albury Wodonga Health for more than 25 years.
Dr Manisha Fernando
Board Member
Dr Manisha Fernando is a rural GP and an advanced trainee with the Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine. She holds fellowships in General Practice and Rural General Practice, a Master of Public Health, a Certificate of Clinical Education, a Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Matt Sharp
Board Member
Matt Sharp is the Chief Executive of Goulburn Valley (GV) Health; a position he has held since 2018. During his time with GV Health, Matt has focused on improving access to health and wellbeing services in the Goulburn Valley region and enhancing the culture of the organisation.
Joanne Kinder
Board Member
Joanne Kinder is a healthcare and education executive with success in leading strategy and operations across a wide variety of settings in both the not-for-profit and for-profit sectors.
Jacki Turfrey
Board Member
Jacki Turfrey is a proud Palawa woman who has lived and worked in Victoria for 37 years. Jacki is qualified in law, graduating with honours from the University of Melbourne in 1999 and has been admitted to practise law for more than 24 years. She also has a Graduate Diploma in Equal Opportunity Administration.
Andrew Baker
Board Member
Andrew Baker is an IT professional with 30 years’ experience in leading IT organisations and business change programs. Most recently, he was Chief Information Officer of Australian listed agribusiness GrainCorp, managing the IT function across GrainCorp’s global grain trading, oilseeds and malting businesses.
Bob Cameron
Board Member
Bob Cameron is a lawyer by profession and has a long history of active involvement in government and not-for-profit organisations.
Ella Cannon
Board Member
Ella Cannon is a principal of a law firm based in Melbourne and practises commercial and regulatory law, with a particular health sector specialisation.
Steve Tinker
Board Member
Steve Tinker is the Telstra Regional General Manager for northern and western Victoria, having started in that role in December 2013. Steve is responsible for Telstra’s brand and reputation, stakeholder engagement and customer advocacy across the region.
Board Governance Committee
The Governance Committee is directly accountable to Murray PHN’s Board of Directors. The committee’s purpose is to assist the Board in fulfilling its governance responsibilities, as well as ensuring the integrity of financial reporting and risk management processes, including:
- compliance with applicable laws, regulations, standards and best practice guidelines
- oversight of external and internal audit processes
- Murray PHN governance practices
- compliance with funding agreements with government and/or other agencies.
Members of the Governance Committee:
- Bob Cameron, Chair
- Leonie Burrows OAM
- Andrew Baker
- Jacki Turfrey.
Board Programs and Quality Committee
The Programs and Quality Committee is directly accountable to Murray PHN’s Board of Directors. The committee’s purpose is to assist the Board in fulfilling its service commissioning responsibilities by ensuring robust and effective processes for evaluating services, projects and engagement processes and activities funded by Murray PHN.
Members of the Programs and Quality Committee:
- Dr Alison Green, Chair
- Matt Sharp
- Dr Manisha Fernando
- Joanne Kinder.