The after hours toolkit aims to support engagement between staff, GPs and other health professionals. It has been created as an instructional guide to explain the importance of after hours action planning, where to find useful resources (below), how to use and keep these up-to-date, so that they reflect current policies and procedures, available services and changes in care.

After hours action planning tool

The action planning tool enables RACHs to self-assess their current after hours preparedness, identify gaps in after hours capabilities, and identify which resources, processes and procedures could be adopted to improve access to appropriate medical care for residents.

Medical support checklist tool

The medical support checklist is based on the ISBAR communication tool and aids staff when a resident is unwell and requires support. We suggest making it available at all nursing stations. Where information on a patient’s condition needs to be provided, the checklist should be filled in before contacting services i.e. a GP, locum service or the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department. For examples of low to medium acuity conditions referred to within, see Medical referral options for residents in aged care homes. If a resident is presenting a clinical symptom and you do not know which service to contact, call your registered nurse or NURSE-ON-CALL (1300 60 60 24).

Family fact sheet

The family fact sheet informs family members and carers of residents about what happens if someone falls ill at night, or on the weekend and what families can do to help. It is also available in Vietnamese, Chinese – traditional and simplified, Italian, Arabic, Greek, Punjabi, Turkish, Maltese and Hindi languages.

Service directory

The directory template (available in portrait and landscape word documents – last updated 17/12/2024) aims to assist staff in identifying local services that are available in the after hours period. Comprising of a locum or deputising and pharmacy service directory in which to list relevant services and contact details, and a standardised after hours service directory detailing residential in-reach services (by postcode), Victorian Virtual Emergency Department details and broader services.

Person-centred after hours action plan

The person-centred after hours action plan enables staff to summarise key information explaining a resident’s after hours care plans, for quick and simple reference during an emergency. It should be regularly reviewed and updated, be placed where staff can easily access, while also respecting the resident’s right to privacy.

Contact us

For more information or support contact Murray PHN’s Aged Care Digital Health Care team:

Last Update: December 17th, 2024