A comprehensive online training package for the delivery of telehealth in aged care has been developed by a group of 15 Primary Health Networks (PHNs) from across Australia. The package, which is supported by case studies and resources, aims to assist by creating an evidence-based telehealth service for aged care residents, covering setup, governance, management and use. Each module has closed captions and is around six minutes in length, to fit into busy days.
For residential aged care (32 modules)
This training stream is for onsite staff and clinicians working inside aged care homes, including personal care workers, nurses, specialists, managers and other staff. Click here to learn more and register.
For remote clinical workers (30 modules)
This training stream is for remote-end clinicians and other health professionals providing medical, health and wellbeing services to the aged care sector, practicing offsite, such as GPs, medical specialists and allied health professionals like counsellors, dietitians and physiotherapists. These modules are also accredited for educational hours for GPs and nurses. Click here to learn more and register.
For more information
You can watch a recording of the online telehealth training launch event:
- Telehealth training poster for staff
- Telehealth fact sheet for staff
- Telehealth training image for promotion
- Telehealth training website FAQs
For support, contact Murray PHN’s aged care digital health team at: agedcare@murrayphn.org.au
You may also like to access our other free training package for residential aged care staff: BERTIE (Better lives for residents through innovative education).