Forming partnerships and improving collaboration is an integral part of our work, particularly in regional commissioning, where we aim to be efficient and effective at meeting community need with all available resources.
Murray PHN recognises the value that can be gained when practitioners and communities work together on solutions that can help people in our rural catchment be increasingly able to enjoy health services like those available to people in our major cities.
Leveraging of cross-sector partnerships ensures optimal use of local resources and creates opportunities for innovation. We work directly with our partners to assist the development of our health system by linking and connecting providers of healthcare services, using models of care that are regionally tailored, targeted to local needs and, importantly, sustainable. You can read about some of these in our annual Report to the Community.
Our partners include general practices, health services and health service partnerships, public health units and training organisations. We also work collaboratively with peak bodies, state and commonwealth governments, and rural and metropolitan PHNs. Through partnerships and collaboration, Murray PHN is better able to deliver to our communities on the changes we need to foster good health and wellbeing and work to prevent avoidable disease or illness.