Hosted by Monash University This one-day, live online course will be presented by a wide variety of interdisciplinary specialists, together with maternal fetal medicine (MFM) sub-specialists to discuss case studies […]
Delivered by CDM Plus Day 1: CDM Plus provides a comprehensive Introduction to Chronic Disease Management for Clinical staff. Topics: Medicare, using MBS online, keeping up to date with changes, […]
Hosted by CDM Plus Topics: Key changes in Chronic Disease Management How these updates will impact your processes in primary care Practical tips to integrate these changes smoothly into your […]
Join Melanoma Institute Australia (MIA) for an educational webinar tailored for Skin Cancer Doctors, GPs, Nurses, and other healthcare professionals with an interest in skin cancer. Hosted by A/Prof Paul […]
The Heart Foundation is excited to announce the final health professional clinical webinar of 2024, “Let’s get physical: the role of exercise in cardiovascular health” taking place on Wednesday, December […]
Have you ever avoided a tough but necessary conversation with an employee, colleague or boss? Do you find giving feedback uncomfortable? This four-hour practical virtual workshop is designed to build […]
Murray PHN acknowledges its catchment crosses over many unceded First Nations Countries, following the Dhelkunya Yaluk (Healing River).
We pay our respects and give thanks to the Ancestors, Elders and Young people for their nurturing, protection and caregiving of these sacred lands and waterways, acknowledging their continuing cultural, spiritual and educational practices.
We are grateful for the sharing of Country and the renewal that Country gives us. We acknowledge and express our sorrow that this sharing has come at a personal, spiritual and cultural cost to the wellbeing of First Nations peoples. We commit to addressing the injustices of colonisation across our catchment, and to listening to the wisdom of First Nations communities who hold the knowledge to enable healing. We extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.