Asthma in Spring – allergies and thunderstorms | Online

Western Victoria Primary Health Network (PHN), Murray PHN, Gippsland PHN, North Western Melbourne PHN, Eastern Melbourne PHN and South Eastern Melbourne PHN are please to invite you to attend this webinar. This 1 hour session has a focus on spring time asthma and allergic rhinitis and how to manage both conditions, using the latest evidence-based […]

Statewide Victorian PHN Immunisation Forum


Hosted by Western Victoria PHN in collaboration with Gippsland PHN, Murray PHN, Eastern Melbourne PHN, North Western Melbourne PHN and South Eastern Melbourne PHN. Audience: Aboriginal health practitioners, practice nurses, nurse immunisers, nurse practitioners, general practitioners, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals. Speakers: Department of Health Victoria Lynne Addlem, Nurse Practitioner, The Royal Children's Hospital Topics: […]