The emotional and social costs of suicide are beyond measure, with the effects of suicide and suicide attempts felt deeply by family, friends, individuals and communities. People who are bereaved by suicide are at higher risk themselves of experiencing depression, anxiety, alcohol or substance abuse, disruption of family relations and routines, functional impairments in daily activities, and difficulties with relationships. They are also at risk of suicidal ideation and associated at-risk behaviours.

There are many resources and support services available to help and we encourage anyone with concerns to speak to their GP. Murray PHN funds a range of mental health and suicide prevention services, including community-led initiatives, which aim to reduce the incidence and impact of suicidality across the region. From time-to-time we also offer free community workshops, which are shared on our Facebook page.

Helpful resources

Helplines and trusted information

  • Ambulance (000) for urgent emergency help.
  • Lifeline for 24-hour crisis counselling, support groups and suicide prevention services. Call 13 11 14
  • Beyond Blue for 24/7 support via phone as well as support online via email or online forums. Call 1300 224 636
  • Suicide Call Back Service for 24/7 support if you or someone you know is feeling suicidal. Call 1300 659 467
  • headtohealth for finding a list of free, low-cost, trusted phone and online mental health resources.
  • StandBy supports anyone who has been bereaved or impacted by suicide, including individuals, families, friends, witnesses, first responders and service providers. Call 1300 727 247
  • Griefline provides help-seekers with to access free grief support and resources daily from 8am to 8pm. Call 1300 845 745
  • Roses in the Ocean is Australia’s national lived experience of suicide organisation

Last Update: June 4th, 2024