Palliative Approach to care for First Nations health professionals | Bendigo

Quest Bendigo Central 228 McCrae Street, Bendigo, VIC, Australia

Hosted by Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA) Vic IPEPA offers a dedicated workshop program for First Nations health workers and practitioners to support development of confidence in caring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples affected by life-limiting illness. Suitable for health professionals (of all disciplines), Aboriginal Health Workers, Aboriginal Liaison Officers […]


Palliative Approach to care | Bendigo

Quest Bendigo Central 228 McCrae Street, Bendigo, VIC, Australia

Hosted by Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA) Vic The aim of this workshop is to improve the understanding and practice of the healthcare workforce in the palliative approach to care through: Understanding the important role that palliative care plays in the lives of people with life-limiting illness and their families / carers […]


Mentoring Workshop: Clinical Mentorship for a PEPA placement | Bendigo

Quest Bendigo Central 228 McCrae Street, Bendigo, VIC, Australia

Hosted by Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA) Vic Mentoring is defined as a relationship between an experienced and a less experienced person in which the mentor provides guidance, advice, support and feedback to the mentee to support their future experience and growth. This workshop is designed for palliative care health professionals working […]
