Murray PHN works to improve the integration and coordination of alcohol and other drug (AOD) services across the region. Our focus is to identify and address areas of need in our communities, improve professional development opportunities for primary health workers and support the workforce by providing meaningful responses to people with co-occurring AOD and mental health concerns.
Key issues in our region
Half of the local government areas (LGAs) in the Murray PHN region have higher rates of AOD-related hospital admissions than the national average. More than half of the LGAs in the Murray PHN region have higher rates of AOD-related ambulance attendances than the Victorian average. In regional and rural Victoria, benzodiazepines have the highest rate of unintentional death (3.7 deaths per 100,000 population), followed by other pharmaceuticals (3.1 deaths per 100,000 population). For more data visit the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
Resources for health professionals
- ACSO (Australian Community Support Organisation) AOD referral and intake
- VAADA Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association
- Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service (DACAS) or e:
- Harm Reduction Victoria: PAMS Pharmacotherapy Support available 11am to 5pm, Monday to Friday t: 1800 443 844
- The Alcohol and Drug Foundation
- Penington Institute improving community safety in relation to drugs
- Turning Point addiction treatment, education and research centre
- Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet alcohol and other drugs knowledge centre
- Thorne Harbour Health LGBTIQ+ AOD support
- Australian guidelines to reduce health risks from drinking alcohol by the National Health and Medical Research Council
- Comorbidity guidelines on the management of co-occurring alcohol and other drug and mental health conditions in alcohol and other drug treatment settings
- Murray HealthPathways free local, clinical and referral pathways, containing patient and professional resources. Topics include drugs of dependence, withdrawal, brief interventions, advice, referral and counselling services
Family violence resources
- VAADA family violence resources
- MARAM practice guides and resources
- Engender Equality AOD worker’s guide to domestic and family violence.