On 1 August 2024, the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive (GP ACI) replaced the Aged Care Access Incentive (ACAI) as a new way to incentivise primary care delivered to patients living in residential aged care homes (RACH). Eligible general practitioners (referred to as Responsible Providers) and practices registered in MyMedicare and the MyMedicare General Practice in Aged Care Incentive can now receive incentive amounts for providing regular visits and care planning to their registered patients living in residential aged care homes. The incentive supports GPs and practices to deliver more proactive, planned and continuous care for people living in aged care homes, and is an important part of the Australian Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Quality and Safety in Aged Care and Strengthening Medicare.

For further support

MyMedicare or GP ACI RegistrationVisit Services Australia website or for information on processes for health professionals call 132 150 and select option 2.

You can also email mymedicare@health.gov.au or contact the Australian Association of Practice Management (AAPM) via: nationaloffice@aapm.org.au
Additional support for practices and GPsContact our team via gpsupport@murrayphn.org.au

Last Update: November 27th, 2024