Accessing healthcare in rural areas can often be challenging due to workforce shortages and distances to travel, but telehealth – the ability to consult with a healthcare provider by phone or video – can help bridge the gap.

Staff who work in, or provide services to, Commonwealth-funded residential aged care homes, can now access a new training package to learn how to deliver safe and effective telehealth services.

Developed by a group of 15 Primary Health Networks (PHNs) from across Australia, the free telehealth training package aims to upskill professionals. Importantly, it can help to keep unwell and frail residents from having to leave their homes when they don’t need in-person care at a GP practice or in hospital.

The package offers 62, six-minute long modules, designed to fit into busy days and revisited at any time. Each module aligns to best-practice and accessibility principles, with plain language and closed captions, and is accompanied by checklists and resources. The modules are also accredited for educational hours for GPs and nurses.

Learning topics start with the basics of choosing the right location and device, managing privacy and confidentiality, to more intricate and practical considerations such as how to best support people during end of life care and technology troubleshooting tips.

To learn more and access the training, visit our webpage.